We constantly take ourselves for granted seldom ever realizing that within us lies a uniqueness unparalleled.
We often impress ourselves with people who seem to be more endowed with capabilities and capacities far beyond us. Never for once do we subject ourselves to an inner exploration of the Self and it’s humongous and unlimited wisdom, borne out of years of experiences and knowledge captured within, as we meandered through life.
Quite forthrightly, subservience to a higher intellect most always leads to a deliverance most profound.
The day we become the subordinate of our Inner wisdom; we will become an awe-inspiring Emancipator of Change for the rest of the world.
Disclaimer: None of the contents featured in my blogs/vlogs/articles/podcasts are AI generated. Each of my expressions are undeniably my very own kaleidoscope of experiences from the archives of my life, put together to inspire you…forever!
Connect with me to traverse a journey filled with inspiration and empowerment for a lifetime! Would be delighted to welcome you into my world 🙏🤗
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gladiator.An…
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Website: https://www.anandnair.in/
See you soon…
Celebrate Life…Celebrate being YOU!