I grew up tutored by most of the elders in the family, that if one had to request the Almighty to grant a deed, one had to offer something in return to Him. Something very dear. Something akin to a sacrifice of sorts. While this seemed confusing at that time, it sure did become a practice in due course, especially when I had to confront my endless fears of the unknown as a young juvenile.
As I grew older, I began to observe that whenever I visited a place of worship, most people entering the sacred portals looked tensed and deeply stressed. And after having said their prayers, seeking grants for their requests in practically the same manner I was taught to, they never really looked entirely relieved.
On the other hand, those who sat meditatively in the open spaces within the holy place, looked absolutely calm, composed and blissed out. This remained an enigma to me till one fine day I decided to experientially follow suit to unravel the reasons why.
And then eventually I discovered the truth for myself. There was a major difference between merely praying and actually, meditatively sitting in admiration deeply worshiping.
To pray is to merely ask of a fulfilment in exchange of a forfeit. But to worship is to humbly dissolve into the profoundness of the everlasting love, care, humility, strength and blessedness of the Creator.

#musingsofanoldmaverick #healing #mindbodysoul #mindsetshift #betterversionofyourself #justathought
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