In a world often driven by competition, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly comparing ourselves to others.
But for me, it was never about being the best. It was always about being better than who I was yesterday. That’s all that really mattered.
Comparing ourselves to others is a slippery slope. There’s always going to be someone richer, smarter, or more successful. This constant comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and unhappiness.
It’s like chasing a mirage—no matter how fast you run, you never quite reach it. This endless race to keep up with the Joneses can overshadow our own unique journey and achievements.
Instead of competing with others, I chose to compete with myself. This shift in perspective allowed me to focus on personal growth and self-improvement.
Every day became an opportunity to be a better version of myself—to learn something new, to be kinder, to push my limits just a little further.
Embracing this philosophy has brought me peace, fulfillment, and a deeper sense of purpose.
By focusing on self-improvement, I’ve learned to appreciate my unique path and celebrate my progress, no matter how small.
After all, the only person we should strive to be better than is the person we were yesterday.
Don’t you agree?
Talk soon,
#growthmindset #betterversionofyourself #personalgrowth #musingsofanoldmaverick #anandkumarnair